Addressing Technical Debt, Software Bloat, Cloud Spending, and Software Spend

These are just a few of the phrases that you see in the common literature relating to the seemingly accelerating rise in technology spend and, ironically, organizations feeling they are falling farther behind.

Whatever you and your organization may call technology spend, and the direction it is heading, perhaps moving away from the “buzzword or phrase of the day”, wringing your hands, and being frustrated, to an approach that can analyze and align costs and benefits with the Goals the organization desires to achieve, is in order.

Let us move away from conjecture, technobabble, and beliefs to some actual analysis that your organization can use to analyze where they are and where they want to be.

From CxOs to responsible staff members, tune in to hear a field-proven approach. It really is quite refreshing.


Commentary on 5 Signs Your Agile Practices Will Lead to Digital Disaster


The Importance of the Number 7