AI and Software Development - Still Stuck in Maturity Level 1
Paving over the cow paths. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting change. All you have do to is buy a package and you will never have to work and thing again (and you can get rid of all o f the programmers!). How many of these have you heard? Here we go again – AI Coding will solve all ills. Have a listen.
- Agility
- Architecture Models
- Architecture Views
- Artificial Intelligence
- Assemble to Order
- Benefits
- Big Data
- Bill of Materials
- Book
- Business Architect
- Business Architecture
- Business Architecture Framework
- Business Architecture Participants
- Business Architecture Tools
- Business Capability
- Capabilities
- Capability Ability
- Certification
- Certification Levels
- Certification Mistakes
- Change Management
- Checklist
- Cloud
- Cloud Decommission
- Coding
- Communication
- Competition
- Complexity
- Confirmation Bias
- Consulting
- Cybersecurity
- Data
- Data Architecture
- Data Lake
- Data Modeling
- Data Sludge
- Data Swamp
- Differentiators
- Digital Transformation
- Distance Learning
- Enterprise Architect
- Enterprise Architecture
- Enterprise Architecture Framework
- Enterprise Architecture Participants
- Enterprise Architecture Tools
- Evaluation Checklist
- Evaluation Criteria
- Event Model
- Experiences needed